
Stuff I've done in games that I think are cool or interesting to note

Geometry Dash:
TROLLMACHINE 100%, ICDX 100%, Leyak 100%
Bright Flame featured, sakura zensen rated Demon, The Witness featured Demon
Spelunky 2: 7-44 and all achievements
ShellshockLive: 1,000,000 XP and Ultimate Champion
Super Meat Boy: 106% on PC, PS4 and Switch versions
All achievements without Journey Mode
Master For The Worthy completed
Legendary getfixedboi completed
soundodger+: Hyperdodger, all hearts
soundodger2: Crowds expert S+
ADOFAI: XI-X It Go 1.0x
Super Hexagon - Hyper Hexagonest 245s
N++: Achieved enlightenment
